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Mistakes observed in corona vaccine testing-Beware

The oxford university vaccine's the one it's working on with Astrazeneca it is now admitting to making a key mistake during its vaccine testing and that is this morning raising major questions about the data about effectiveness.

We have to look at what happened during the trials. There were two groups of volunteers who took part, however, the first group received two identical doses of the vaccine but because of a manufacturing error the second group received half a dose and then a full dose of the vaccine. Now in the group that got the two full doses, the vaccine appeared to be 62 percent effective while in the low dose group it appeared to be 90 effective and that was a big surprise but AstraZeneca did the sums. It did the math and said overall look our vaccine is around 70 percent effective in total but the way those results have been collated has raised some eyebrows heather. One of the issues are the different sizes of the two groups; the low dose group was much smaller than the other group and some experts say that makes it difficult to know if the vaccine's 90 effectiveness in the low dose group is real or merely a statistical quirk.

Another issue heather consider concerns the different ages of the participants. Now none in the low dose group were over the age of 55 years old and younger people tend to mount stronger immune responses. Some say that could have made the vaccine look more effective in the low dose group; so we have two different groups of participants here heather which has received different doses of this vaccine and as a result, some are struggling to understand how AstraZeneca arrived at that overall figure of 70 effectiveness. Heather certainly raising questions the world is watching this and the other vaccine candidates' Dominic but we heard for example from Oxford University say they hope to have three billion doses ready by the end of next year. Canada is untapped by 20 million doses of this particular vaccine so with all of this up in the air. Now, what does this mean for the vaccine? Well first off I think it's important to say that Zenica has defended um the trial saying that it was conducted to the highest standards. It also says that more data will continue to accumulate and that additional analysis will be conducted and those results will then be peer-reviewed hopefully in the next few weeks and they will then be provided to UK regulators, who will make a final decision on whether or not to green light. This particular vaccine so more data is in the pipeline heather it looks like we don't still yet have a complete picture about this vaccine and that possibly explains some of the current confusion surrounding it heather Dominic thank you.

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