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Is India ready for the Cat-Que china virus outbreak?

 Is India ready for the Cat-Que virus outbreak?

China has become the epicenter for the origin of all types of new virus in the world. It may be SARS, H1N1, or Covid-19. The data published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research, claims that antibodies against the Cat Que virus (CQV) were observed in two human serum samples from India according to scientists from the Pune-based Maximum Containment Laboratory and ICMR-National Institute of Virology.

The apex research body globally noted that domestic pigs are the primary mammalian host of Cat-Que virus and antibodies against the virus have been reported in swine reared locally in China. 

Previously we have read about Cat-Que "".  

Detail about study

The Cat Que virus is reported in China due to its spread from Culex mosquitoes. Based upon the current scenario and symptoms samples of blood were collected from (806) Karnataka, Maharashtra (116), Kerala (51), Madhya Pradesh (20) and Gujarat (27), in which two positive samples were reported.

Previously the positive sample was reported from a jungle Myna serum sample in Sagar district of Karanataka in 1961.

How the disease spreads?

For Cat-Que virus spreads from the domestic pigs. The culex mosquitoes are the vectors or carriers from these pigs. How much is the dangerous the virus is not known, but the symptoms are quite bizarre as it causes meningitis, and even have the ability to precipitate paediatric encephalitis as major symptoms.

Is our Country ready for this new outbreak?

Already the world is suffering from the Covid-19. The symptoms like fever and cough are suspected for the coronavirus infection as current trends. We lack the multivalent kit to determine all types of diseases using a single blood sample. The patients have to check for malaria, dengue, coronavirus infection, and/ or typhoid for diagnosis in case of fever as a standard protocol. Thus, it difficult to diagnose the Cat-Que if anyone falls prey to it. Even many times people getting negative blood test results for malaria, dengue, coronavirus infection never go for further investigation and ignore their pathophysiological conditions. If lucky with strong immunity a diseased person fight with new outbreak else consequences is known to all. Previously due to Covid-19, the country has suffered a lot from financial, mental, and social distancing crisis.

So you decide are we ready for new pandemic?

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